Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Latest in Color and Tech Innovation for Your Home

Do you ever have moments where you feel like technology is SO COOL you were transported to the future!? It’s one thing to hear about the latest tech, and another thing entirely to witness it in person. Buckle up kids, we’re going to the future!

Last week I spent a few days at the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show in Las Vegas with Samsung checking out their newest products and having the best time. KBIS is huuuuuge and is sort of like Coachella for designers and builders. Everything you could ever hope to see or learn about in products related to home building is out in full force.

Tuscan Stainless Appliances

In the world of kitchens, there are 2 things that reign supreme. White and Stainless right? But what is the first word that you think of when you think of white and stainless? Sterile! No one wants their house to feel sterile, it’s cold and unwelcoming! The last few years we’ve seen more colors come into kitchen appliances with Black Stainless (so great for grounding the space!) and last week Samsung launched a new color called Tuscan Stainless. It is this gorgeous smoky bronze color with a semi-matte finish.  Tuscan Stainless is perfect for those that are embracing the earthy inspiration of clay, terra cotta, blush, copper, brass, and burgundy and want their kitchen to feel welcoming!

At KBIS they had Tuscan Stainless set up in different vignettes with different wood tones and styles and it looked incredible with all of them. My favorite pairing was with carrera marble. How good is this!? One feature that I can really get behind is the intigration with Stainless and Chrome into the design. It makes it so that even if you have to add appliances over a period of time, they’ll still work with your current stainless ones.

Tuscan Stainless officially launches in May, you can get more info on it here!

A New Level of Smart Home

Do you ever feel like someone could run your life better than you? Maybe the cute neighbor lady that is always in full makeup at school drop off? Or the friend who brags about going to the grocery store once every 2 weeks when you’re there every day roaming the isles wondering what to make for dinner? What if the thing that could make your life so much easier is your house? We’ve reached Jetson’s level here friends.

Samsung is the unchallenged leader in smart home tech. Where most companies are creating individual devices to fix individual challenges, Samsung is creating ways for everything to work together always. Their SmartThings app is at the heart of it all. It works with over 600 smart home devices (even ones that aren’t Samsung) and makes it so that the tech isn’t just controlled by your phone. It integrates with their Family Hub refrigerator, Frame TV, and Bixby. SmartThings makes it so that your fridge is just as smart and in control as your phone.

Speaking of fridges. The tech that is in the Hub Refrigerator is just BEYOND. You can do everything from find your new favorite recipes, watch TV, check on the sleeping baby, answer your front door, leave love notes and pictures, meal plan, get notifications about when it’s time to change your laundry, check the contents of your fridge in real time so you don’t buy another container of greek yogurt (and that’s just scratching the surface!!)

The only downside that I can see is if you use needing to grab another carton of cottage cheese as an excuse for a Target run, seeing as how your husband can pull up the real time contents of your fridge on his phone and verify if you do in fact need more cottage cheese. #busted

While I was at KBIS, I was also able to see Samsung’s Chef Collection. It’s their top of the line primo product. It of course is beautiful, but the thing that I loved the most is that so many of the smart home features were also incorporated there! So even though it’s luxury and very different from the standard smart home style, it still can help you rule the world!



The post The Latest in Color and Tech Innovation for Your Home appeared first on Vintage Revivals.

via Mandi at The Latest in Color and Tech Innovation for Your Home