Friday, September 8, 2017

Horizontal Slatted Fence + My FAVORITE DIY App

Hey guys!! While things in the Merc are cruising, things outside the Merc are getting done as well (can you tell we’ve been starved for projects for the past 9 months?!)

If you’ve followed VR for a while you’ll remember last year I talked about the revolutionary DIY app, DIYZ (pronounced D-I-wise)—it is one of my go-to places for project info and advice. By now, you guys know that most of what we do around here is completely new to us. As fun as it can be to spend hours searching YouTube for the right video, when we’re in project mode it’s much easier to go to one trusted source. For this project I’ve teamed up with the DIYZ app yet again to show you guys how easy it can be to get stuff done.

The biggest challenge was narrowing down and picking a project that I wanted to complete! I thought it would be a piece of cake, but, as it turned out, this simple task was one of the harder things that I did last week. The DIYZ app just has SO MANY PROJECTS. There is literally everything from installing a USB outlet, to building a standing desk riser, to paving a walkway and everything in between. When I saw the tutorial for setting a fence post I was all 🙌🏼 and 💪🏼 🔨  One of the things that we loved about the Merc is the huge, empty, and completely undeveloped lot behind the workshop. Many, MANY, moons ago there was a chain link fence that divided our property from our neighbors and over years of neglect it has fallen down. While we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our neighbors, (Hi Hafen’s!) we thought it would be a fun project to get stuff looking a little bit more home-like, and less parking-lot-like.

DIYZ has a video from step one to step done, and a tool and materials list for everything you’re going to need. Did you know that they make concrete that you don’t have to mix?! That TOTALLY blew my mind! You dump the dry concrete into the hole with the fence post, pour water in, high five your husband, and you’re done!

I won’t go into too much detail here, because DIYZ does such a great job explaining it in the app, (which you can check out here,) but let’s talk about the slating ‘cause if you follow my Instastories you know it was quite the debate. I wanted the top to be totally level but Court and the tutorials online said that you have to start at ground level and move up. This made no sense to me. The ground is not level. In fact it slopes back quite a bit, so why would we do that?! Why wouldn’t we start at the top, make it level, and work our way down from there? My way meant no math, no unnecessary digging, and a level top from the get-go. Luckily, almost all of you agreed and that is what we did.

I know that not everyone can crowd source answers, (or want to,) which is why the Pro Chat feature on the app is so amazing. FOR FREE, you can video-chat with a real live Pro to help you with your project. Question about wiring that light correctly? Chat with an electrician. Installing sprinklers? Hey-o landscaper. Did I mention this feature is FREE!? F-R-E-E. They have literally given you every possible resource for DIY success that is currently possible.

If you own a home, rent, or anything in between, YOU NEED THIS APP. You can download it here for free now! Also, I’m going to be hopping on FB Live Tuesday at 9am MST to talk through any questions you might have about our fence DIY, the DIYZ app, or home projects in general! I hope you’ll join me, RSVP and get a reminder alert here!

For those wondering, our fence is 75 feet long and we spent just over $800 on it. It looks like a million bucks though, so I guess it was a bargain!

MASSIVE shout-out to DIYZ for sponsoring this project and giving us the motivation and know how to get it done right!




The post Horizontal Slatted Fence + My FAVORITE DIY App appeared first on Vintage Revivals.

via Mandi at Horizontal Slatted Fence + My FAVORITE DIY App