Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Essential Baby Bundle

Everything is better bundled. Because let’s be honest,  why would you want just one thing, when you can have more things that are supposed to go together!? Like me and this boy.

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One of my favorite gifts that I received when I had Mr. Brem is the bundle to end all bundles. My undying love for JOHNSON’S® is partially to blame, but it was the bundling that sealed the deal. All of the essentials for when the guy isn’t feeling his greatest.

I’ve currently got baby showers on the brain (we threw my sister Amy’s over the weekend) and all I can think about is practicality.  I think that its maybe because this isn’t my first rodeo. For me it’s all about taking things down to the basics and then splurging on capturing the fleeing moments. Is the $70 outfit adorable? Absolutely. Will they wear it once? Yes. Would you rather spend that money on something like having a photographer capture a few sugar sweet moments forever? I know I would.

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Which brings us back to the bundle, and the perfect baby shower gift full of essentials…minus that sweet baby.


The HEALTHY ESSENTIALS All Better Baby™ Gift Set includes:

JOHNSON’S® Baby Soothing Vapor Bath

For some reason, Mr. Brem gets a stuffy nose after we’ve been at the cabin for a few days (which is a lot because its 30 degrees cooler up there!) I always give him a bath with JOHNSON’S® baby soothing vapor bath when we get home. It’s packed with rosemary, eucalyptus, and menthol and has their famous NO MORE TEARS formula.

JOHNSON’S® Hand & Face Wipes

I always have these Hand & Face wipes in my purse. Especially now that the boy is eating solid food. You’ve got to stay ON TOP OF IT with those rusk snack, those things turn to superglue in a matter of minutes. JOHNSON’S® hand & face wipes were designed to gently and effectively remove dirt and germs from baby’s sweet hands and face anywhere, anytime. Made with their NO MORE TEARS® formula, these baby wipes are alcohol free and as gentle to baby’s eyes as pure water.

DESITIN® Maximum Strength Zinc Oxide Diaper Rash Paste

Awwww the little baby buns!! DESITIN® Maximum Strength Original Paste contains the maximum level of zinc oxide, that instantly forma a protective barrier to help heal and soothe diaper rash discomfort.  Did you know that there’s no stronger treatment available without a prescription?

Infants’ TYLENOL® Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer

Heaven forbid that the boy gets really sick, but when it comes to reducing fever or relieving pain, Infants’ TYLENOL® has been my go to for the last 13 years, and the brand recommended most by pediatricians for the last 20. Infants’ TYLENOL® works differently than other pain and fever medicines. It also won’t upset little stomachs, cause that’s the last thing that you want, right?

Specially designed for families with newborns, all of it comes packed in a sturdy and easy-to-grab on-the-go carry case. Couple it with your favorite snuggle blanket and a pack of diapers, and you’ll pretty much be someone’s favorite baby shower attendee of all time.

A huge thank you goes to my friends at JOHNSON’S® for teaming up with me on this post!

The post Essential Baby Bundle appeared first on Vintage Revivals.

via Mandi at Essential Baby Bundle