Friday, October 21, 2016

The ULTIMATE Would You Rather? | Home Edition

Everyone loves a good game of Would You Rather? right?!! (If only to see how strangely morbid the people that you know are.) I was hanging out with my best friend Brem and asking him Would You Rather? questions.

Surprisingly he didn’t answer. Babies just don’t get it.

So of course I thought to ask my other best friends and see what you think!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the ultimate game of Would You Rather? Take a few minutes to answer the questions and next week I’ll share the responses! Also, if you have an awesome Would You Rather? question that is related to Home or DIY, leave it in the comments below, my favorite will win one of my must have tools, a DeWalt Jig Saw!!



The post The ULTIMATE Would You Rather? | Home Edition appeared first on Vintage Revivals.

via Mandi at The ULTIMATE Would You Rather? | Home Edition